



Industry Solutions





Portfolio / Project Management

  Portfolio and Project Management

Whereas a business case answers the question for a given scenario, often enterprises have many simultaneous projects (or successful business cases) at once. Too frequently these initiatives may in fact be competing for resources, or, perhaps more realistically, better able to share resources (e.g., buying an enterprise license instead of purchasing multiple single user licenses). By centralizing these projects, an organization can make educated, and nuanced decisions on where to allocate scarce resources. This optimization is at the heart of our Portfolio Management offering.

Piper’s Project Management focus is takes the Program aspect to a more granular level of management, focusing on a given project’s ‘iron triangle’ of cost, function, and time (though the Project Management Institute (PMI) would note there are other dimensions). Piper consultants have the PMI's Program and Project Management credentials: PgMPs, or PMPs, and are recognized as experts in how to initiation, control, and execute projects at the detail level, as well as programs at the enterprise level.

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